In the morning of 5th August 2020, Mr. Olivier Didry, CEO of Nam Theun 2 and Mr. Dousith Phommachanh, Deputy COO and Plant Director, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Mr. Khammany Inthilath as well as the directors of Department of Energy Business, Department of Policy and Energy Planning, Department of Energy Management, Department of Planning and Cooperation, Cabinet and EDL’s representative at the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Mr. Didry took this opportunity to report on Nam Theun 2’s generation from the beginning of 2020 and challenges faced during the dry period in the first half of the year. The minister has advised Nam Theun 2 to plan its production accordingly for the coming rainy season, paying close attention to water monitoring and water management in order to avoid impacts on generation. The minister also advised Nam Theun 2 to pursue its efforts under the scope of its Concession Agreement as well as adapt its supply to current market conditions.